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AGCO Genuine V-Belts are designed and manufactured to fulfil the precise profile and length specifications of your engine to reduce risk of noise and slippage, ensuring optimal performance during whole service period.
Product Specifications
Is V Belt Notched/Cogged?: Yes
Belt Supplied As Matched Pair: No
Effective Length: 917.95mm
Net Weight: 0.25lb
Net Width: 12.95mm
Increase your equipment uptime by always opting for AGCO Parts Genuine that are manufactured and tested according to strict material specifications and tolerances.
Covered by AGCO Parts 12 months parts warranty. **** No Return Part ****
Additional Postage may apply to this part due to its size & weight
B3, S-Class C126
126.045, 89, 893, 894, 89Q, 8A, 8A2
7A, M 117.968
Contact our dedicated parts team who will be happy to assist you with any and all parts requests.